Somatics for Stillness & Silence
30,00 €
This 2 hour winter solstice workshop invites us to explore and gently guide our attention and intention into stillness and silence, in tune with the rhythm of nature. Darkness, quietness and still spaciousness are the qualities of this deep yin time, and a beautiful antidote to the oversensory loudness of this time of year.
By focusing first on releasing the 'noise' from our bodies and minds through a gentle yet dynamic movement practice accompanied with voicework and toning, we then make space for the healing, sensory capacities of our breath throughout the whole body. This spaciousness we ground into through some deep hip and sacral work, fully supported, and led by a gentle grounding yoga nidra to rest and ground into a silent still savasana for 20 minutes.
30 euro. In person in Waterford City and online on Zoom.
Venue and zoom link will be sent with booking confirmation. for any info or queries.
The pull of this time of year is into the dreaming state of receiving, attuning and slowing down. This sensory workshope is the ultimate self care session for solstice.
To support the breath we begin with releasing yoga postures, to unwind physical tensions so that we can drop easier into exploring the unique structure of our breathing body. Breathwork for clearing the head, the heart space and to deepen our abdominal oxegenation is all about making 'inner space' to rest in.
Much of the session will be seated or lying down so that gravity can work with us to restore our system into its natural relaxation state.
Resonant sound healing frequencies support deeper relaxation into this liminal space where we can connect to our own source healing and allow the parasympethic nervous system (rest and digesting state where healing naturally occurs) to switch on. In that deep restful state we breathe deeper and fuller in a really natural way. In the spaciousness of the restful breath we can ground and connect and release into the earth, fully supported into a place of trust and healing.